
Audra Publishing

\nThe album includes the following songs:\n\"Happy People\" by Flippin Soul Stompers \n\"I Work Hard For a Living\" by Flippin Soul Stompers \n\"Celestial Being\" by Hereswith \n\"Peach\" by Identikit \n\"Josephine\" by Ivan Theory \n\"Piece by Piece\" - Ivan Theory \n\"FastForwarding\" - Juniper Face the Corner \n\"Finding Atlantis\" - Mad Hatter Day \n\"A Seranade\" - Nestoration \n\"From Ashes to Dust\" - Team! Flash Back ","cover":"uploads\/0000001\/20140725\/5372ca32e9be0\/cover.jpg","sessionid":"5372ca32e9be0","price_selling":"0.00","price_regular":"0.00","recent_items":null,"date_added":"2014-07-25 17:20:16","date_published":"2015-07-09 06:28:09","seriesid":null,"page_count":"43","about":"","publisher_name":"Audra Publishing","uploader_name":"Audra Publishing","url":"audrapublishing","username":"audrapublishing","audio_teaser":null,"audio_teaser_info":null,"language":"English","spread":"1","zoom":"1","swipe":"1","game":"0"}" data-rating="4">

43 Page(s)


Bootleg - a music album presented in new media done entirely in AUDRA's epub creator. The eBook contains a combination of different formats of art such as: artwork of the album; several photos and information about the artists; lyrics; the audio recording and MTV.

The album includes the following songs:

"Happy People" by Flippin Soul Stompers
"I Work Hard For a Living" by Flippin Soul Stompers
"Celestial Being" by Hereswith
"Peach" by Identikit
"Josephine" by Ivan Theory
"Piece by Piece" - Ivan Theory
"FastForwarding" - Juniper Face the Corner
"Finding Atlantis" - Mad Hatter Day
"A Seranade" - Nestoration
"From Ashes to Dust" - Team! Flash Back


new way to listen and appreciate music and artist

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